Thank you Brent for continuing this wonderful family legacy. Under your leadership, IGC continues to pioneer industry standards for safety, kindness, and well-being in the gymnastics world. And that’s definitely something to celebrate! We hope you have a very Happy Birthday, Brent!
“I am proud to carry on this family tradition as the second-generation family leadership at International Gymnastics Camp. We are the only second-generation family-run gymnastics camp in the world. Growing up at IGC I was privileged enough to see the camp magic memories that were created each summer, the passion for gymnastics you all brought to IGC and the true summer camp fun that comes with this.
Continuing to uphold and develop our IGC standards of excellence, I founded the Professional Coaching Development Program which is now world-renowned and pioneered a new way of positive coaching with a true understanding of our sport, gymnastics. Scoring the only ever perfect 10.0 on vault at USA Championships in 1998, I further understood the value of training hard and balancing that with the enjoyment of life outside of the gym which is a testament to our IGC beliefs.
Being a Professional Bull Rider for 17 years allowed me to be a part of another fun, intense and rewarding sport in a different yet parallel world. From our Kount on Kindness program to our Be Gymnastics initiative and so much in between, I am honored to continue this incredible 50-year legacy with you all, our IGC family.”
Brent Klaus, IGC’s Director
If you’re interested in enrolling for 2023 and wanted to check out the IGC campus, this is the perfect opportunity! We’re running camp tours this October on the 22nd & 23rd, 2022. On Saturday (22nd) we have tours available at 2pm and 3pm and on Sunday (23rd) we have tours available at 1pm and 2pm. Email our office to sign up!
We’re running one of our biggest early-bird specials right now! Enroll for summer 2023 before October 31st, 2022 and you’ll save $200 per week. Check out our 2023 dates and fees for more info. Keep up-to-date with our IGC social media for updates about camp. Next season is definitely going to be a camp magic one to remember!