
Sending A Gymnast to Camp

International Gymnastics Camp is a 50 year legacy that is committed to providing a kind, healthy & safe environment for all our gymnasts in all aspects of camp life.


Our programs across the board are built on the foundation of enriching every gymnast’s love for gymnastics, developing social skills, making lifelong friendships, enhancing teamwork skills, gaining independence and making camp magic memories that last a lifetime.

International Gymnastics Camp is the only second-generation family-run gymnastics camp in the world. Combining premier gymnastics training and amazing recreation. IGC over its 50-year legacy has been home to more than 150,000 gymnasts from true beginners who have never done gymnastics, right through to elite and national team members who have gone on to be Olympians. Our longevity is a testament to our programs being built on a kind, healthy and safe training environment with a true traditional summer camp experience


camper being instructed on arial techniques
camper being instructed on the high bar


Every week at International Gymnastics Camp is designed to maximize the amount of time each camper gets for coached gymnastics training, amazing recreation activities, and rest and relaxation.

We schedule the day so that every camper receives six coached rotations each day plus additional optional gym time in the evening. The training schedule allows our coaches to help every camper set safe and realistic goals for the week, to lesson plan for the individual goals, and then to help our campers achieve those goals!

Safety, first, foremost and always.

It is our goal to teach as many correctly executed skills in a safe and progression oriented manner as each gymnast is capable of learning. Our gymnasts should feel good about their accomplishments here at IGC and to be filled with enthusiasm when they return to their home gyms. Home gym coaches should be pleased with their gymnasts’ skills and the improvement of them.

At International Gymnastics Camp we teach from a positive point of view. We put a lot of encouraging, kind and fun energy into our coaching. At IGC we praise our gymnasts for what is well done or done correctly or even for attempting the skill.

At International Gymnastics Camp we use our IGC sound and proper progressions, allowing gymnasts to work with different coaches with little problems, whether at camp or their home gym. This helps a coach know where one stands in the development of a particular skill. When a gymnast wishes to develop a particular skill, a quick check of the lead-up skills will indicate an appropriate point from which to start.



  • Premature skill development exposes the gymnast to unnecessary risk.
  • Progression is a sound program to build from the known to the unknown.
  • Mastery of basics eliminates poor habits, which impede progress and can result in injury.
  • Use of basic progressions provides a common ground on which teaching and learning occur.
student being instructed on the balance beam


The above statements indicate progressions should be designed in a simple, logical, and efficient manner. The most efficient way to achieve a goal or skill is through a safe well thought out plan of progressions.

Sending your gymnasts to International Gymnastics Camp, no matter what level from recreation to elite IGC will enrich their love for gymnastics and your gymnast will return to their home gym with a greater enthusiasm for our sport, gymnastics.