IGC Introduces Our New Organic Farm

International Gymnastics Camp is proud to announce that we are starting our own organic farm! Great food is the cornerstone to fueling our bodies so that we can perform to our fullest, and we want to help provide the very best for our campers and the public. By summer, we hope to have many of our harvested crops brought into the IGC Cafeteria and prepared for our campers’ meals.
When meals are prepared with fresh produce free of harsh chemicals and GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), the nutrients from the food may be better absorbed and can provide us with more optimal performance abilities.
Through our blog, we will showcase the entire process of creating the first IGC organic farm, from clearing the land, planting in our nursery, transplanting in the fields, and harvesting our produce. This is a long-awaited endeavor that we are extremely excited to add to IGC. We hope that you will follow along as our farm continues to grow!