
Meet the Animals of IGC

  • BY: Brent
  • July 4, 2017
goat smiling

It is time to meet the animals of IGC! We have several different animals here at camp, and they each hold a special place in our hearts. Our furry friends always know how to put a smile on all of our faces each and every day.

Meet the Goats

We have three lovable goats here on camp that go by the names of Tugger, Missy, and Manford. The goats are very friendly, and will always come over to the fence to greet campers and staff, and looking to be pet. They also enjoy lying around in the sun or on top of their chairs.


Meet the Peacocks

There are many peacocks running around throughout camp on a daily basis. The peacocks definitely like to make themselves heard, and they are always announcing themselves everywhere on camp. The peacocks also love to show off and spread their beautiful, colorful feathers. We have several male and female peacocks, as well as quite a few new baby peacocks that were born at IGC within the last couple of weeks!

Meet the Bunny

We have one beautiful, snow-colored bunny that is named Hope. Hope likes to run around or lounge in her playpen, as well as nibble on her food. She is also extremely cuddly, and loves being picked up and held.


During the summer when all of the campers are here, their faces light up when seeing the animals and getting to interact with them. Get ready to say hello to the animals while at IGC! They’re excited to meet everyone throughout the rest of the summer!


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