Kount On Kindness at IGC: October Acts of Kindness

We are so excited that October is finally here! We are focusing on all things Kindness. October is our Acts of Kindness month through our Kount On Kindness initiative.
We encourage you to submit acts of kindness that stand out to you in and out of your gyms and your community. Kindness exists in all forms: from the seemingly insignificant to the grandest gestures; all acts of kindness have an impact. Here at IGC, we want to hear your stories and share the wonderful acts of kindness that touch the gymnastics community.
This is the 4th consecutive year that October Acts of Kindness has been running.
All you need to do is to submit your stories, photos, and videos to our Kount On Kindness Facebook page, or send them to kountonkindness@internationalgymnastics.com. Throughout the entire month of October, we will be sharing and reposting your kindness stories on our social media platforms.
We are looking forward to hearing and reading about all of your amazing stories of kindness, and sharing them with the gymnastics community!