Video Filming at IGC – Week 11

Next week (during Week 11 of camp), there will be a professional film crew onsite shooting IGC’s new promotional video!
The video will feature IGC in its entirety, including the camp grounds, five world-class gyms, recreational activities, and campers in their element enjoying everything IGC has to offer. We can’t say too much about the exciting concept just yet, but keep your eyes open for its release after summer!
Award-winning photographer Dave Black will also be here during Week 11, taking still photos throughout camp. We are always blown away by Dave’s amazing photography skills, and it will be wonderful to have Dave back for the week at IGC.
If you are here for Week 11, you may be lucky enough to be featured in the video! The film crew will be with us throughout the week and there will be several opportunities for all campers to be a part of the project.
Week 11 will be a bittersweet week here at camp – it is the perfect time to film this video as it is the last week of camp, but also, sadly the week where summer 2017 must finally draw to a close. We do know though that the summer is ending on a huge high note!
There are also still spots available for Week 11! You can enroll here.
We are so excited to shoot the new IGC video, and for all of our campers and families to see it!