
Summer of Fun at IGC 2017

  • BY: Brent
  • May 26, 2017
group of campers in theme

It’s time to start getting ready for a summer of fun at IGC! Time is flying as the beginning of camp is less than three weeks away. There are so many wonderful things we are looking forward to this summer. It’s going to be 11 weeks of fun, making new friends, and of course, gymnastics.

Here are a few things we are most excited about for summer 2017 at IGC

two kids holding up peace signs


While we are ecstatic about every aspect of camp, one of the things we are most looking forward to are our wonderful IGC celebrities! Whether they are returning to camp for another summer, or they are joining us for the first time, it is guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience. Our celebrities are always full of high energy and are huge inspirations to the kids.


We also can’t wait for all of the recreational activities that will be taking place this summer. Though there will still be plenty of time for arts and crafts, swimming, and karaoke, we are really looking forward to using our new and improved tennis courts, as well as playing pickleball! Not sure what pickleball is? Think of it as a combination of tennis, table tennis, and badminton wrapped up into one.


Another part of camp we are excited about are our summer themes of the week, including camper favorites Superhero week and Jungle Safari week. Additionally, this year we added our newest theme, Harry Potter week! If you are attending camp during week 3, it is guaranteed to be magical.


3 girls smiling

Last but most certainly not least, we are looking forward to all things gymnastics! We are thrilled for all of the campers to see our five world-class gyms and be able to work their skills alongside our amazing coaches and celebrities.

These are just a few of the many fun things that summer has in store for us, and most importantly, we are looking forward to meeting all of you! What are you most excited about for summer?

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